대한민국 No.1 산업장비 공급채널

대한민국 No.1 산업장비 공급채널

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KEYSIGHT판매중인 KEYSIGHT 키사이트 에질런트 라인업

EDU34450ADigital Multimeter, 5.5 digit
EDU36311ADC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 30 V, 1 A, 90 W: LAN, USB
EDU33212AWaveform generator, 20 MHz, 2-channel
EDU33211AWaveform generator, 20 MHz, 1-channel
EDUX1052AInfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscope, 2Ch, 50 MHz
EDUX1052GInfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscope with WaveGen, 2Ch, 50 MHz
EDU190AInstrument stacking kit
U1610AHandheld Digital Oscilloscope, 100MHz
U1620AHandheld Digital Oscilloscope, 200MHz
DSOX1202AInfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscope, 2Ch, 70 MHz, upgradeable to 200 MHz
DSOX1202A-100Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, 2 channel
DSOX1202A-200Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 200 MHz, 2 channel
D1202BW1ABandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functionality
DSOX1202GInfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscope with WaveGen, 2Ch, 70 MHz, upgradeable to 200
DSOX1204AInfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscope, 4Ch, 70 MHz, upgradeable to 200 MHz
DSOX1200A-100Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, 4 channel
DSOX1204GInfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscope with WaveGen, 4Ch, 70 MHz, upgradeable to 200
EDUX1EMBDEmbedded Serial Triggering and Analysis (I2C, RS-232) for EDUX1000 series Oscilloscopes
D1202BW2ABandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 200 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functionality
D1202BW3ABandwidth upgrade, 100 MHz to 200 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functionality
D3000BDLBSoftware Bundle for 3000 X-Series
D3000GENBEmbedded Analysis Software for 3000 X-Series
D4000BDLBSoftware Bundle for 4000 X-Series
D1200BW1ABandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1204X, fixed perpetual license
D1200BW2ABandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 200 MHz, for DSOX1204X, fixed perpetual license
DSOX2002AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 70MHz
DSOX2004AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 70MHz
DSOX2012AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 100MHz
DSOX2014AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 100MHz
DSOX2022AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 200MHz
DSOX2024AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 200MHz
DSOX3012AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 100MHz
DSOX3012TOscilloscope, 2-channel, 100MHz
DSOX3014AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 100MHz
DSOX3014TOscilloscope, 4-channel, 100MHz
DSOX3022TOscilloscope, 2-channel, 200MHz
DSOX3024AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 200MHz
DSOX3024TOscilloscope, 4-channel, 200MHz
DSOX3032AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 350MHz
DSOX3032TOscilloscope, 2 channel , 350 MHz
DSOX3034AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 350MHz
DSOX3034TOscilloscope, 4-channel, 350 MHz
DSOX3052AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 500 MHz
DSOX3052TOscilloscope, 2 channel , 500 MHz
DSOX3054AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 500MHz
DSOX3054TOscilloscope, 4-channel, 500 MHz
DSOX3102AOscilloscope, 2-channel, 1 GHz
DSOX3102TOscilloscope, 2 channel , 1 GHz
DSOX3104AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 1 GHz
DSOX3104TOscilloscope, 4-channel,1 GHz
DSOX3BW24Bandwidth upgrade - from 100 MHz to 200 MHz on 3000 X-Series - 4 channel models
DSOXT3B1T24Upgrade -Licensed bandwidth upgrade from 100 to 200 MHz, 4 ch, fixed perpetual license
DSOXT3MSO16 Channel MSO upgrade for 3000T X series
DSOX4024AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 200 MHz
DSOX4024GInfiniiVision Oscilloscope, 4-channel, 200 MHz, w/ Wavegen
DSOX4034AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 350 MHz
DSOX4054AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 500 MHz
DSOX4054GInfiniiVision Oscilloscope, 4-channel, 500 MHz, w/ Wavegen
DSOX4104AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 1 GHz
DSOX4104GInfiniiVision Oscilloscope, 4-channel, 1 GHz, w/ Wavegen
DSOX4154AOscilloscope, 4-channel, 1.5 GHz
DSOX6002AInfiniiVision 6000 X-Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 1 GHz base, upgradeable to 6 GHz,
20 GS/s, 2 Channel
DSOX6004AInfiniiVision 6000 X-Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 1 GHz, upgradeable to 6 GHz, 20
GS/s, 4 Channel
MSOX2014AOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+8-channel, 100MHz
MSOX3012TOscilloscope, mixed signal, 2+16-channel, 100 MHz
MSOX3022TOscilloscope, mixed signal, 2+16-channel, 200 MHz
MSOX3034TOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16 channel, 350MHz
MSOX3104TOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16 channel, 1 GHz
MSOX4054AOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16-channel, 500 MHz
MSOX4104AOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16-channel, 1 GHz
MSOX4154AOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+16-channel, 1.5 GHz
MSOX6004AInfiniiVision 6000 X-Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 1 GHz, upgradeable to 6 GHz, 20
GS/s, 4 Channel
MSOX2024AOscilloscope, mixed signal, 4+8-channel, 200MHz
MSOS404AMixed Signal Oscilloscope - Infiniium S Series 4 GHz 4 channel
DSOS604AOscilloscope - Infiniium S Series 6 GHz 4 channel
N2902BRackmount Kit - 9000 and S Series Oscilloscope
U1571ABattery pack, NiMH, 4500mA
U1572ALi polymer battery pack
U1573ADesktop charger VOLT: DC 40V and Li polymer battery VOLT: DC 11V
U1574AAC/DC adaptor
U1580ADMM terminal test lead set
U1591ASoft carrying case
10070DPassive probe, 20 MHz, 1:1
10073DProbe, Passive 10:1, 500 MHz, 1.5 M
10074DProbe, Passive 10:1, 150 MHz, 1.5 M
10075AMicroGrabber accessory kit, .5mm
10076CPassive probe, 3.7kVpk high-voltage, 100:1, 500 MHz
1146BProbe - 100 kHz, 100A AC/DC current probe
1147BCurrent Probe - 50 MHz/15A AC/DC
11533ACoaxial Adapter, APC-7 to SMA male
11534ACoaxial Adapter, APC-7 to SMA female
11524ACoaxial adapter, APC-7 to Type-N female
11582ACoaxial attenuator set of (4)  8491B's
11636BDC to 26.5 GHz power divider, APC-3.5
11636CDC to 50 GHz Power Divider, 2.4 mm connectors
1169BProbe Amplifier - InfiniiMax II, 12 GHz
1130BProbe Amplifier, InfiniiMax, 1.5 GHz
1132BProbe Amplifier - InfiniiMax, 5 GHz
1134BProbe Amplifier - InfiniiMax, 7 GHz
E2646BSQUiDD Test fixture for USB 2.0 testing
E2649BUSB 2.0 High-Speed Fixture Set
E2655CProbe deskew and performance verification kit
E2666BHigh speed USB device test fixture kit
E2668BConnectivity kit - InfiniiMax for single-ended measurements
E2670BInfiniiMax solder-in accessory kit
E2675BProbe head - 6GHz InfiniiMax differential browser- wide span
E2676BProbe head - 6GHz InfiniiMax single end browser
E2677BProbe head - 12GHz InfiniiMax differential solder in and accessories
E2678BInfiniiMax single-ended/differential socketed probe head and accessories
E5403AKit of 5 retention modules for Pro Series Soft Touch Connectorless Probes
E5405BProbe, 17 channel, soft touch pro, differential, connects to 90-pin LA cable
E5406AProbe, 34 channel, Soft Touch Pro, single-ended, connects to 90-pin cable
N2111ARackmount Kit for 6000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
N2133ARack Mount Kit for 1000X Series Oscilloscopes
N2138ARackmount kit for 1000 X-Series oscilloscopes
N2140APassive Probe, 10:1, 200MHz, 2-Pack
N2141AAccessory Kit For N2140A Passive Probe, 2 Sets
N2142APassive Probe, 10:1, 75MHz, 2-Pack
N2143AAccessory Kit For N2142A Passive Probe, 2 Sets
N2733BSoft carrying case for 4000X and 7000 series oscilloscope
N2744AT2A Probe Adapter
N2747AFront Panel Cover for 2000 and 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
N2738ASoft carrying case for DSO1000 Series scope
N2750ADifferential probe - 1.5 GHz
N2751ADifferential probe - 3.5 GHz
N2752ADifferential probe - 6 GHz
N2755ACable- 8 channel MSO logic cable kit
N2756ACable- 16 channel MSO logic cable kit
N2776ADifferential browser head for N2750A-52A
N2777AMulti mode solder-in head for N2750A-52A
N2778AMulti mode socketed head for N2750A-52A
N2763ARack Mount Kit for InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
N2768AVertical Mini Probe Socket, qty 25
N2779APower supply, 3 channel for N278xA current probe
N2780BCurrent probe, 500A AC/DC, 2MHz
N2781BCurrent probe, 150A AC/DC, 10MHz
N2782BCurrent probe, 30A AC/DC, 50MHz
N2783BCurrent probe, 30A AC/DC, 100MHz
N2784AProbe positioner, 1-arm
N2785AProbe positioner, 2-arm
N2786AProbe positioner, 2 leg
N2787AProbe positioner- 3D
N2789AShort ground tip for 10076
N2790ADifferential probe- 100 MHz High-voltage
N2791ADifferential probe- 25 MHz
N2795AActive probe - 1 GHz single-ended [add Keysight Care]
N2796AActive probe - 2 GHz single-ended [add Keysight Care]
N2797AActive Probe - 1.5 GHz extreme temperature [add Keysight Care]
N2798AAccessory kit for extreme temperature probe
N2803AProbe Amplifier, InfiniiMax III 30 GHz
N2804ADifferential probe - 300 MHz 1000V
N2805ADifferential probe - 200 MHz 500V 5m
N2820AHigh sensitivity 2 channel current probe
N2821AHigh sensitivity 1 channel current probe
N2837AInfiniiMax II browser tip kit
N2838AInfiniiMax III 25 GHz PC board ZIF Tips
N2839AInfiniiMax II browser head - 21 GHz
N2841APassive probe - 150 MHz 10:1
N2842APassive probe - 300 MHz 10:1
N2843APassive probe - 500 MHz 10:1
N2849AInfiniiMax QuickTip extra tips
N2853APassive probe - 350 MHz 10:1, 2 meter
N2857AAlligator ground lead
N2858ARetractable hook tip
N2870APassive Probe -1:1 35 MHz
N2871APassive Probe - 200MHz
N2873APassive Probe -10:1 500MHz
N2874APassive Probe -10:1 1.5GHz
N2875APassive Probe -20:1 500MHz
N2889APassive Probe -350 MHz 10:1/1:1
N2891ADifferential Probe - 70 MHz [add Keysight Care]
N2893ACurrent Probe, 100 MHz AC/DC with AutoProbe [add Keysight Care]
N2894APassive probe - 700 MHz
N4829AProbe tip kit (rigid and spring loaded), kit of 10
N4831ASprung Hook Tip, kit of 2
N4837AGround Lead 15cm, kit of 2
N4839ADual lead socketed adapter, 6 cm
N4841ADual lead socketed adapter, 9 cm
N4842ADual Pin PCB Header, kit of 2
N4844ARight angle ground lead 5cm, kit of 2
N4845AGround blade, kit of 2
N4846AOffset ground, kit of 2
N4847ARetractable hook tip adapter, kit of 2
N4864AProbe tip-to-PCB adapter, vertical, 2.5mm, kit of 2
N5425BInfiniiMax differential ZIF probe head - 18 GHz
N5426AInfiniiMax ZIF tip - Kit of 10
N5439AInfiniiMax III ZIF probe head
N5444AInfiniiMax III 2.92mm differential probe head
N5445AInfiniiMax III Browser Probe Head
N5449AHigh Impedance Adapter for Infiniium Oscilloscopes (SMA to BNC)
N5450BInfiniiMax extreme temperature extension cable
N5451AZIF Tip,4GHz InfiniiMax Long Wired Differential
N6456ARack Mount Kit for 2000/3000-X Series Oscilloscopes
N6457ASoft Carrying Case and Front panel cover for 2000 and 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
N5476AInfiniiMax III Browser replacement tips (kit of 4)
U1810BUSB Coaxial Switch, DC to 18 GHz, SPDT
U1818A100 KHz to 7 GHz active differential probe
U1880ADeskew fixture for power measurement
MX0025AInfiniiMax Ultra 25 GHz Probe Amp with AutoProbe 2 Interface [add Keysight Care]
MX0103ABullet adapter
MX0104ADeskew and Performance Verification Kit
MX0109AInfiniiMax III Extreme Temperature Solder-in Probe Head
MX0100A-002InfiniiMax micro probe head kit - 25 probe heads
MX0100A-003InfiniiMax micro probe head kit - 50 probe heads
DSOX2BW12Bandwidth upgrade - from 70MHz to 100MHz on 2000 X-series, 2-channel models
DSOX2BW22Bandwidth upgrade - from 100 MHz to 200 MHz on 2000 X-Series - 2 channel models
DSOX3WAVEGENWaveGen 20 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
DSOX2WAVEGENWaveGen 20 MHz function generator
DSOX4WAVEGEN2Dual channel WaveGen 20 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator license for 4000X
series oscilloscopes
DSOXLANLAN and VGA module for 2000/3000-X series Oscilloscopes
DSOXGPIBModule - GPIB Connection Module for 2000/3000-X series Oscilloscopes
DSOX1B7T102Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, 2 channel, fixed perpetual license
DSOX6B10T254BWBandwidth upgrade,1.0 GHz to 2.5 GHz, 4 channel, fixed perpetual license
DSOX6B10T402BWBandwidth upgrade,1.0 GHz to 4.0 GHz, 2 channel, fixed perpetual license
E5380BProbe, 34 channel single-ended Mictor connector, connects to 90-pin LA cable
E5381BProbe, 17 channel differential flying leads, connects to 90-pin Logic Analyzer cable
E5382BProbe, 17 channel single-ended flying leads, connects to 90-pin Logic Analyzer cable
E5383BProbe, 17 channel single-ended flying leads, connects to 40-pin Logic Analyzer cable
N5171BEXG X-Series RF Analog Signal Generator
N5171B-303Multifunction generator
N5171B-503Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3 GHz
N5171B-UNTAM, FM, phase modulation
N5171B-UNWNarrow pulse modulation
N5171B-UNZFast frequency switching
N5171B-1EAHigh output power
N5166BCXG X-Series RF Vector Signal Generator
N9311X-100Close field probe set, 30 MHz to 3 GHz
N9311X-201Precision mechanical calibrator, 3-in-1 OSL, DC to 7 GHz, N(m)
N9311X-500Retractable whip antenna, 70 to 1000MHz
N9311X-504Directional antenna, Log Periodic, 700MHz-4GHz
N9311X-508Directional antenna, Log Periodic, 680MHz-8GHz
N9311X-518Directional antenna, Log Periodic, 680MHz-18GHz
N9311X-540Adapter, Type-N(m) to BNC(f), DC to 2 GHz
N9311X-541Adapter, Type-N(m) to SMA(f), DC to 12.4 GHz
N9320BK-DMAASK/FSK demodulation metrics
N9320BK-DMAASK/FSK demodulation metrics
N9321CBasic Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 4 GHz
N9321CK-DMAASK/FSK modulation analysis
E9322APeak and average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 1.5 MHz bandwidth
N9322CBasic Spectrum Analyzer (BSA), 9 kHz to 7 GHz
N9323CBasic Spectrum Analyzer, 1 MHz to 13.6 GHz
N9324CBasic Spectrum Analyzer, 1 MHz to 20 GHz
N9398CDC Block 16V DC, 50kHz-26.5GHz, 3.5mm
N9000B-503Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3 GHz
N9000BCXA Signal Analyzer, Multi-touch
N9000B-526Frequency range, 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz
N9000B-B25Analysis Bandwidth, 25 MHz
N9000B-FSAFine resolution step attenuator
N9000B-P26Preamplifier, 26.5 GHz
N9000B-PFRPrecision frequency reference
N9910X-700Rugged phase-stable cable, type-N(m) to type-N(f), 18 GHz, 3.28 ft or 1 m
N9910X-701Rugged phase-stable cable, type-N(m) to type-N(m), 18 GHz, 3.28 ft or 1 m
N9910X-708Rugged phase-stable cable, 3.5 mm(m) to 3.5 mm(f), 26.5 GHz, 3.28 ft or 1 m
N9910X-713Bias tee power cable, SMB (f) to BNC (m), 1 m or 3.28 ft
N9910X-810Rugged phase-stable cable, type-N (m) to type-N (m), 5 ft or 1.5 m
N9910X-872External battery charger
N9910X-876Battery-rechargeable Li-Ion 70WH
N9910X-880Extra soft carrying case with backpack and shoulder strap
N9910X-881Hard transit case
N9912AFieldFox RF analyzer
N9913AFieldFox 4 GHz RF Analyzer
N9915AFieldFox 9 GHz Microwave Analyzer
N9923AFieldFox RF vector network analyzer
N9925AFieldFox 9 GHz Microwave Vector Network Analyzer
N9935AFieldFox 9 GHz Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
N9937AFieldFox 18 GHz Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
N9938AFieldFox 26.5 GHz Microwave Spectrum Analyzer
U7227AUSB Preamplifier, 10 MHz - 4 GHz [add Keysight Care]
U7227FUSB Preamplifier, 2 - 50 GHz [add Keysight Care]
U1701BCapacitance meter, handheld, 11000 count, dual display
U1731CLCR Meter, handheld, 20000 count, dual display, 100Hz/120Hz/1KHz
U1731PHandheld LCR Meter U1731C combo kit
U1732PHandheld LCR Meter U1732C combo kit
U1732CLCR Meter, handheld, 20000 count, dual display, 100Hz/120Hz/1KHz/10KHz
U1733CLCR Meter, handheld, 20000 count, dual display, 100Hz/120Hz/1KHz/10KHz/100KHZ
U1733PHandheld LCR Meter U1733C combo kit
U1780AAC power adapter with power cord - offer to all countries
U1781AAlligator clip with leads
U1782BTweezer, SMD
U5404ARemote switch probe for U1280 Series handheld digital multimeters
U5481BIR-USB cable, all U1700 series handheld capacitance and LCR meter VOLT: DC 3.3V - 5V
U5491ASoft carrying case for handheld and accessories
U1212ATrue RMS 1000A AC/DC clamp meter
U1213ATrue RMS 1000A AC/DC Clamp Meter Pro
U1231ATrue RMS 6000 count handheld DMM, basic
U1232ATrue RMS 6000 count handheld DMM
U1233ATrue RMS 6000 count handheld DMM with non-contact voltage detector
U1241BTrue RMS 10000 count handheld DMM
U1241CTrue RMS 10000 Count Handheld DMM
U1242BTrue RMS 10000 count handheld DMM with datalogging
U1242CTrue RMS 10000 Count Handheld DMM
U1251BTrue RMS 50000 count handheld DMM
U1252BTrue RMS 50000 count handheld DMM with freq counter and squarewave output
U1253BTrue RMS 50000 count handheld DMM with OLED display
U1271ADMM handheld 30,000 counts true RMS
U1272ADMM handheld 30,000 counts true RMS
U1273ADMM handheld 30,000 counts true RMS with OLED display
U1273AXDMM handheld 30,000 counts true RMS with OLED display
U1281ATrue RMS 60000 Count Handheld DMM
U1282ATrue RMS 60000 Count Handheld DMM
U1169ATest Probe Leads (with 19-mm tips and 4-mm tips)
U3606BMultimeter - DC Power Supply
U4201ALogic Analyzer cable for use with individual probes
U4203AProbe, 34 channel, flying lead, single-ended, 160-pin direct connect
U4204AProbe, 34 channel, Soft Touch Pro, single-ended, 160-pin direct connect
U4206AProbe, 34 channel, Soft Touch Pro, single-ended, quad x 160 pin direct connect
U4208AProbe/cable, 61-pin ZIF, from left wing, no RC,  160-pin direct connect to LA
U4209AProbe/cable, 61-pin ZIF, from right wing, no RC, 160-pin direct connect to LA
34460ADigital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit, basic Truevolt DMM
34461ADigital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit, Truevolt DMM
34465ADigital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit, Truevolt DMM
34470ADigital multimeter, 7 1/2 digit, Truevolt DMM
34420ANanovolt/micro-ohm meter, 7.5 digit
34450ADigital Multimeter, 5.5 digit
34450A-700Serial to RS-232 adapter
3445GPBUGPIB Connectivity Upgrade
E36150ADVUScope View and Arbitrary Waveform Generation Capabilities for E36150 Series Bench
Power Supplies
E363GPBUGPIB user installable interface module for Bench Power Supplies
3446GPBUGPIB interface module for Truevolt series DMMs and 33600A Trueform Series Waveform
Generators - user installable upgrade
3446MEMUAdd Memory (2M)for 34465A and 34470A Truevolt DMMs
3458ADigital multimeter, 8.5 digit
3458A-002High stability 4 ppm per year reference
U1161ATest lead kit, extended
U1162AAlligator clip
U1163AGrabbers, SMT
U1164ATest probes, fine tip
U1168AStandard test lead kit
U1168BTest lead kit
U1170AAC power adapter with power cord - offer to all countries
U1171AMagnetic hanging kit
U1173BIR-USB cable, all U1200 series handheld multimeter VOLT: DC 3.3V - 5V
U1174ACarrying case, soft
U1175ASoft carrying case
U1179AIR connectivity bracket for U1240 Series HHDMM
U1180AT/C adapter + lead kit, J and K type
U1181AImmersion probe type K
U1183AProbe, air
U1185AThermocouple (J-type) and adaptor
U1186AThermocouple (K-type, 1m) and adapter
11059AKelvin probe set
11060AS.M.D. test probe
11062AKelvin clip
11901DAdapter 2.4 mm female to APC-3.5mm male
11903BAdapter 2.4 mm female to type-N female
11903DAdapter 2.4 mm female to type-N male
11904CAdapter 2.4 mm male to 2.92 mm female
11581ACoaxial attenuator set of (4)  8491A's
11612ABias network
11612BBias Network 45 MHz - 50 GHz
34102ALow-thermal 1.2 meter 4-cond. shielded input cable for 34420A , VOLT: DC 120V
34103ALow-thermal shorting plug for 34420A
34104ALow-thermal input connector for 34420A
34131ATransit case for half-rack 2U high instruments (e.g., 34401A)
34133APrecision electronic DMM test lead
34134ADMM DC/AC current probe, 8 kHz bw, 10 mA to 50A DC, 40A AC
34137ADeluxe test lead set for 3458A
34138ATest Lead Set
34161AAccessory pouch for 34401A, 33120/250A, 34970A, 53131A, etc.
34162AAccessory pouch for 33220A, 34410A and 34411A
34171BInput terminal block for digital multimeters
34172BInput calibration short for digital multimeters
34330ACurrent Shunt for DMMs, 30 Amp
34190ARack mount flange with adapter kit, 88.1mmH (2U) - one flange bracket and adapter
34191ADual rack mount flange kit, 88.1mmH (2U), two flange brackets
34192ARack mount flange kit 132.6mm H (3U) - two flange brackets
34193ARack mount flange kit 132.6mm H (3U), one bracket, one half-module bracket
34194ADual Lock Link Kit
E2308AThermistor temperature probe -40 - +150 degrees C, 5k ohm
E3600A-100Test lead kit, banana plug to SMT grabber
33210U-002Upgrade, 8 k-point arbitrary waveform
33330CCoaxial Detector
33502AHigh Voltage Amplifier, 2-Channel 50Vpp
E8900-D10USB read-only licensing dongle - FLEX10
33509BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 20 MHz, 1-channel
33510BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 20 MHz, 2-channel
33511BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 20 MHz, 1-channel with arb
33512BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 20 MHz, 2-channel with arb
33519BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 30 MHz, 1-channel
33520BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 30 MHz, 2-channel
33521BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 30 MHz, 1-channel with arb
33522BWaveform generator 33500B Series, 30 MHz, 2-channel with arb
335BW1UBandwidth upgrade to 30 MHz for 1-channel 33500B series waveform generators
335ARB1UArb upgrade for 1-channel 33500B series waveform generators
335ARB2UArb upgrade for 2-channel 33500B series waveform generators
335MEM2UMemory upgrade to 16M for 2-channel 33500B series waveform generators
336MEM2UMemory upgrade to 64M for 2-channel 33600A series waveform generators
33611AWaveform generator 33600A Series, 80 MHz, 1-channel
33612AWaveform generator 33600A Series, 80 MHz, 2-channel
33621AWaveform generator 33600A Series, 120 MHz, 1-channel
33622AWaveform generator 33600A Series, 120 MHz, 2-channel
34398ARS-232 cable kit, DB9(f) to DB9(f) plus adapter DB9(m) to DB25(f).
34901AArmature Multiplexer Module for 34970A/34972A, 20-Channel
34902AReed Multiplexer Module for 34970A, 16-Channel
34903AActuator/GP Switch Module for the 34970A, 20-Channel
34904AMatrix Switch Module for the 34970A, 2-wire, 4 x 8
34905ARF Multiplexer Module for the 34970A, Dual 4-Channel,  50 OHM
34906ARF multiplexer module for the 34970A, Dual 4-Channel 75 OHM
34907AMultifunction Module for the 34970A
34908ASingle-Ended Multiplexer Module for 34970A, 40-Channel
34921AArmature Multiplexer Module 40-Channel for 34980A w/ low thermal offset
34921TTerminal block with temp reference for 34921A and L4421A 40-Ch Multiplexer, +/- 300 V
34922AArmature Multiplexer Module 70-Channel for 34980A
34922TTerminal Block for 34922A 70 chan Armature Multiplexer, +/- 300 V
34922T-002Terminal block for 34922A 70 chan Armature Multiplexer, with screw connectors
34923AReed Multiplexer Module 40/80 - Channel  for 34980A
34923TTerminal Block for 34923A 40/80-Channel Reed Multiplexer
34924AReed Multiplexer Module 70-Channel for 34980A
34924TTerminal Block for 34924A 70 chan Reed Multiplexer
34925AOptically Isolated FET Multiplexer Module  40/80 - Channel for 34980A
34925TTerminal Block for 34925A 40/80-Channel FET Multiplexer, +/- 80 Vpk
34931ADual 4x8 Armature Matrix Module for 34980A
34931TTerminal Block for 34931A Dual 4x8  Armature Matrix
34932ADual 4x16 Armature Matrix Module for 34980A
34932TTerminal Block for 34932A Dual 4x16 Armature Matrix, +/- 300 V
34934AQuad 4x32 Reed Matrix for 34980A
34934TTerminal Block for 34934A Quad 4x32 Reed Matrix, with screw connectors, +/- 100 Vpk
34937AForm C/Form A General Purpose Switch Module 32-Channel for 34980A
34937TTerminal block For 34937A and L4437A GP Switch
34939AForm A General Purpose Switch 64 Channel
34942AQuad 1x4 75 Ohm Multiplexer Module for 34980A
34950ADIO Module 64-bit with Memory and Counter for 34980A
34950TTerminal block for 34950A and L4450A 64-bit digital I/O
34951AFour Channel Isolated D/A Converter with Waveform Memory for 34980A
34951TTerminal block for 34951A and L4451A 4-Ch isolated D/A converter
34952AMultifunction Module with  32-bit DIO, 2-ch D/A and Totalizer for 34980A
34952TTerminal block for 34952A and L4452A Multifunction
34959ABreadboard Module for 34980A
Y1130ARackmount Kit for 34980A, forward or reverse mount in standard 19 IN rack
Y1135ADsub, M/F Twisted Pair with Outer Shield Cable, 1.5m  50 pin VOLT: DC 300V
Y1136ADsub, M/F Twisted Pair with Outer Shield Cable, 3m 50 pin VOLT: DC 300V
Y1137ADsub, M/F Twisted Pair with Outer Shield Cable, 1.5m 78 pin VOLT: DC 300V
Y1138AThree meter 78 pin Dsub, M/F Twisted Pair with Outer Shield Cable - 300V
Y1740A-100Cable Assembly, 3.5 mm (m) to 3.5 mm (m), 26.5 GHz, 36 inch
DAQ970AData Acquisition System with USB and LAN
DAQA190ARack Mount Kit
DAQA191ADual rack mount flange kit, 88.1mmH (2U) - two flange brackets
DAQA194ADual Lock Link Kit
DAQ973AData Acquisition System with USB, LAN and GPIB
DAQM900ASolid-state Multiplexer 20 Channel
DAQM901AMultiplexer (2/4-wire) Module 20 Channel
DAQM902AMultiplexer (2/4-wire) Module 16 Channel
DAQM903AActuator/GP Switch Module 20 Channel, +/-300V
DAQM904ATwo-Wire 4 x 8 Matrix Module
DAQM907AMultifunction Module
DAQM908ASingle-Ended Multiplexer Module 40 Channel
DAQM909ADigitizer Module, 4 Channel, 800k Samples/s, 24-bit, 36 Vpk
DP0001ADifferential probe 400 MHz 2000 V [add Keysight Care]
34980AMultifunction Switch/Measure Unit
34307AThermocouple kit, 10 x J-type thermocouples, 72 IN long
34308AThermistor kit : 5 10kOhm thermistors, 0 to 75 degree C
U2331AHigh performance multifunction DAQ, 64-CH single-ended or 32-CH differential analog
inputs; 3MS/s;
U2351ABasic multifunction DAQ, 16-CH single-ended or 8-CH differential analog inputs; 250KS/s
U2352ABasic multifunction DAQ, 16-CH single-ended or 8-CH differential analog inputs; 250KS/s;
without analog output
U2353ABasic multifunction DAQ, 16-CH single-ended or 8-CH differential analog inputs; 500KS/s
U2354ABasic multifunction DAQ, 16-CH single-ended or 8-CH differential analog inputs; 500KS/s;
without analog output
U2355AHigh performance multifunction DAQ, 64-CH single-ended or 32-CH differential analog
inputs; 250KS/s;
U2356AHigh performance multifunction DAQ, 64-CH single-ended or 32-CH differential analog
inputs; 500KS/s;
U2802AThermocouple input, 31 channel
U2901ATerminal board with SCSI-II 68pin connector with 1 meter cable
U2902ATerminal board with SCSI-II 68pin connector with 2 meter cable, VOLT: DC 12V
W4000D-1TPVEE Pro 9.33, transportable perpetual license, Web Download
423BLow-barrier Schottky diode detector
53210ARF Counter, 350 MHz, 10 digit/s, LAN, USB,GPIB
53210A-106Add Channel 2 - 6 GHz CW
53220AUniversal Counter/Timer, 350MHz,12 digits/s, 100ps, LAN, USB,GPIB
53220A-106Add Channel 3 - 6 GHz CW
53230AUniversal Counter/Timer, 350MHz,12 digits/s, 20ps, LAN, USB,GPIB
16047ETest fixture for axial lead components
16048ATest leads (BNC), 1m
16048DTest leads (BNC), 2m
16048ETest leads (BNC), 4m
16048G1m port extension cable for impedance analyzer
16048H2m port extension cable for impedance analyzer
16065AExternal Bias Fixture
16065CExternal Bias Adapter
16089AKelvin Clip Leads
16089BKelvin Clip Leads
16089CKelvin IC Clip Leads
16034ESMD test fixture
16034HTest Fixture
16034GTest Fixture
16047ATest fixture for axial and radial leaded components
16092ATest fixture
16192AParallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture
16194AHigh temperature component fixture
16198ABottom Electrode SMD Test Fixture
16198AU-110Short Bar 0201, 5 pc.
16198AU-540Pusher Unit
16198AU-201Guide PCA 0402, 100 micrometer, 1 ea.
16198AU-210Short Bar 0402, 5 pc.
16198AU-104Guide PCA 0201, 100 micrometer, 8 ea.
16195BCalibration Kit, 7mm
16196CParallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture
16196DParallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture
16196U-4000402(mm) Short Plate Set (5ea)
16196U-4100402(mm) Lower Electrode Set (5ea)
16196U-020Upper Electrode Set for 16196D (5ea)
16197ABottom Electrode SMD Test Fixture
16197A-001Add 0201(inch)/0603(mm) Device Guide Set
16334ATweezers test fixture for SMD
16380CC Standard Set
16451BDielectric material test fixture
16452ALiquid Test Fixture
16454AMagnetic Material Test Fixture
16493B-001Coaxial cable (1.5m)
16493B-002Coaxial cable (3.0m)
16494A-001Triaxial Cable (1.5m)
16494A-002Triaxial Cable (3m)
16494A-003Triaxial Cable (80cm)
16493G-001CONTROL CABLE for 4142B  to Control 16088B-300 or 16078A(1.5M)
42090AOpen termination
42091AShort termination
42941AImpedance probe kit for impedance analyzer
42942ATerminal adapter kit for impedance analyzer
E4980A2 MHz Precision LCR Meter
Power and DC Bias enhance (20V, 100mA, 40V DC Bias, 2nd DC source)
E4980A(Opt.301)Scanner interface
E4980A(Opt.201)Handler interface
Precision LCR Meter, 20 Hz to 1 MHz with LCR Measurement
Precision LCR Meter, Rack mount kit
Precision LCR Meter, 20Hz to 300 kHz with DCR
Precision LCR Meter, 20Hz to 500 kHz with DCR
Precision LCR Meter, Handler interface
Precision LCR Meter, Scanner interface
E4980ALU-301ADD Scanner Interface (Option 301)
E4980AU-001Add Power and DC Bias enhance (20V, 100mA, 40V DC Bias, 2nd DC source)
E4980AU-301ADD Scanner Interface (Option 301)
E4981ACapacitance Meter
E4981A-001Frequency, 120 Hz/1 kHz/1 MHz
E4981A-002Frequency, 120 Hz/1 kHz
E4982ALCR Meter
E4982A-0501 MHz to 500 MHz
E4982A-70016195B Calibration Kit
E4982AU-020Add Test Fixture Extension Cable Set
16200BExternal DC Bias Adapter
10833AGPIB cable, 1 meter, VOLT: DC 300V
10833BGPIB cable, 2 meter, VOLT: DC 300V
10833CGPIB cable, 4 meter, VOLT: DC 300V
10833DGPIB cable, 0.5 meter, VOLT: DC 300V
10833FGPIB cable, 6 meter
10833GGPIB cable, 8 meter, VOLT: DC 300V
10834AAdapter, extends GPIB connector 2.3 cm
82350CHigh-performance PCI - GPIB interface card
82351BHigh-performance PCIe - GPIB interface card
82357BUSB/GPIB interface
83059BCoaxial Adapter, 3.5mm Female-Female
E5810BLAN/GPIB/USB gateway
6811CAC source/analyzer, 0-300 Vrms, 375 VA, single-phase. USB,LAN,GPIB,RS-232.
U8001ADC power supply, low-cost. 30V/3A, 90 W
U8002ADC power supply, low-cost. 30V/5A, 150 W
U8031ADC power supply, low-cost. 30V/6A, 375 W
U8032ADC power supply, low-cost. 60V/3A, 375 W
U8201ACombo test lead kit
U8202ATest lead kit, electronic
U8487APower Sensor; USB average thermocouple, 10MHz-50GHz
U9397A8 GHz Hi-Performance Solid State Switch
U9397C18 GHz Hi-Performance Solid State Switch
E3620ALaboratory DC power supply, dual-output: 0-25 V, 0-1 A.
E3630ALaboratory DC power supply, triple-output
E3632ADC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-15V, 7A; 0-30V, 4A  105/120W. GPIB
E3633ADC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-8V, 20A; 0-20V, 10A  160/200W. GPIB
E3634ADC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-25V, 7A; 0-50V, 4A  160/200W. GPIB
E3640ADC power supply, dual range: 0-8V/ 3A and 0-20V/ 1.5A, 30W. GPIB, RS-232
E3641ADC power supply, dual range: 0-35 V/0.8A and 0-60V/0.5A, 30W. GPIB, RS-232
E3642ADC power supply, dual range: 0-8V/ 5A and 0-20V/ 2.5A, 50 W. GPIB, RS-232
E3643ADC power supply, dual range: 0-35V/ 1.4 A and 0-60V/ 0.8 A, 50 W. GPIB, RS-232
E3644ADC power supply, dual range: 0-8V/ 8 A and 0-20V/ 4 A, 80 W. GPIB, RS-232
E3645ADC power supply, dual range: 0-35V/ 2.2 A and 0-60V/ 1.3 A, 80 W. GPIB, RS-232
E3646ADC power supply, dual output, dual range: 0-8V/ 3 A and 0-20V/ 1.5 A, 60 W. GPIB
E3647ADC power supply, dual output, dual range: 0-35V/ 0.8 A and 0-60V/ 0.5 A, 60 W. G
E3648ADC power supply, dual output, dual range: 0-8V/ 5A and 0-20V/ 2.5 A, 100 W. GPIB
E3649ADC power supply, dual output, dual range: 0-35 V/ 1.4 A, 0-60V/ 0.8 A, 100 W. GP
E36102BDC power supply, single-output, 6 V, 5 A, 30 W
E36103BDC power supply, single-output, 20 V, 2 A, 40 W
E36104BDC power supply, single-output, 35 V, 1 A, 35 W
E36105BDC power supply, single-output, 60 V, 0.6 A, 36 W
E36106BDC power supply, single-output, 100 V, 0.4 A, 40 W
E36154ADC power supply, single-output, auto-range: 30V, 80A, 800W: LAN, USB
E36155ADC power supply, single-output, auto-range: 60V, 40A, 800W: LAN, USB
E36231ADC power supply, single-output, auto-range: 30 V, 20 A, 200 W: LAN, USB
E36232ADC power supply, single-output, auto-range: 60 V, 10 A, 200 W: LAN, USB
E36233ADC power supply, dual-output, auto-range: 2 x 30 V, 20 A, 400 W: LAN, USB
E36234ADC power supply, dual-output, auto-range: 2 x 60 V, 10 A, 400 W: LAN, USB
E36311ADC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and +/-25 V, 1 A, 80 W: USB
E36312ADC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 25 V, 1 A, 80 W: LAN, USB
E36313ADC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 10 A and 2 x 25 V, 2 A, 160 W: LAN, USB
E36731ABattery Emulator
EL33133ADC Electronic Load, single-input: 150V, 40A, 250W: USB
EL34143ADC Electronic Load, single-input: 150V, 60A, 350W: LAN, USB
EL34243ADC Electronic Load, dual-input: 2x 150V, 60A, 300W: LAN, USB
N5381BInfiniiMax differential solder in probe head and accessories - 12 GHz
N5395CEthernet Test Fixtures
N5740ARack Mount Kit for N5700 and N8700 DC Power Supplies
N5741ADC Power Supply 6V, 100A, 600W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5742ADC Power Supply 8V, 90A, 720W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5743ADC Power Supply 12.5V, 60A, 750W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5744ADC Power Supply 20V, 38A, 760W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5745ADC Power Supply 30V, 25A, 750W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5746ADC Power Supply 40V, 19A, 760W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5747ADC Power Supply 60V, 12.5A, 750W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5748ADC Power Supply 80V, 9.5A, 760W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5749ADC Power Supply 100V, 7.5A, 750W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5750ADC Power Supply 150V, 5A, 750W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5751ADC Power Supply 300V, 2.5A, 750W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5752ADC Power Supply 600V, 1.3A, 780W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5761ADC Power Supply 6V, 180A, 1080W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5763ADC Power Supply 12.5V, 120A, 1500W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5764ADC Power Supply 20V, 76A, 1520W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5765ADC Power Supply 30V, 50A, 1500W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5766ADC Power Supply 40V, 38A, 1520W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5767ADC Power Supply 60V, 25A, 1500W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5768ADC Power Supply 80V, 19A, 1520W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5769ADC Power Supply 100V, 15A, 1500W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5770ADC Power Supply 150V, 10A, 1500W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5771ADC Power Supply 300V, 5A, 1500W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N5772ADC Power Supply 600V, 2.6A, 1560W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N6700CN6700C Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe, 400W, 4 Slots
N6701CN6701C Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe, 600W, 4 Slots
N6702CN6702C Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframe, 1200W, 4 Slots
N6708AFiller Panel Kit for Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframes - 3 panels
N6709CRack Mount Kit for Low-Profile Modular Power System Mainframes
N7007APassive probe - 400 MHz, extreme temperature
N7010AActive termination adapter, 30 GHz
N7020APower Rail Probe
N7021AProbe head - pigtail
N7024APower Rail Probe, 6 GHz [add Keysight Care]
N7026AAC/DC high sensitivity current probe, 150MHz
N7032APower Rail Browser Accessory for 0603 and 0805 packages
N7033APower Rail Browser Accessory for 0201 and 0402 packages
N7022AMain cable
N7041ARogowski AC current probe, 30 MHz, 600 A
N7042ARogowski AC current probe, 30 MHz, 300 A
N7550AECal Module DC to 4 GHz, 2-port
N7551AECal Module DC to 6.5 GHz, 2-port
N7552AECal Module DC to 9 GHz, 2-port
N7555AECal Module DC to 26.5 GHz, 2-port
N8731ADC Power Supply 8V, 400A, 3200W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8732ADC Power Supply 10V, 330A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8733ADC Power Supply 15V, 220A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8734ADC Power Supply 20V, 165A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8735ADC Power Supply 30V, 110A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8736ADC Power Supply 40V, 85A, 3400W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8737ADC Power Supply 60V, 55A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8738ADC Power Supply 80V, 42A, 3360W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8739ADC Power Supply 100V, 33A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8740ADC Power Supply 150V, 22A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8757ADC Power Supply 60V, 85A, 5100W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8758ADC Power Supply 80V, 65A, 5200W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8759ADC Power Supply 100V, 50A, 5000W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8760ADC Power Supply 150V, 34A, 5100W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8751A-400DC Power Supply 380-415V, 3 phase AC, 50/60Hz INPUT (use with LINE CORD OPT 862)
N8761ADC Power Supply 300V, 17A, 5100W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8762ADC Power Supply 600V, 8.5A, 5100W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8741ADC Power Supply 300V, 11A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8742ADC Power Supply 600V, 5.5A, 3300W; GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N8923AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 500 V, 30 A, 5000 W, 208 VAC
N8924AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 750 V, 20 A, 5000 W, 208 VAC
N8925AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 80 V, 340 A, 10000 W, 208 VAC
N8926AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 200 V, 140 A, 10000 W, 208 VAC
N8928AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 500 V, 60 A, 10000 W, 208 VAC
N8930AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 1000 V, 30 A, 10000 W, 208 VAC
N8931AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 80 V, 510 A, 15000 W, 208 VAC
N8932AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 200 V, 210 A, 15000 W, 208 VAC
N8935AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 750 V, 60 A, 15000 W, 208 VAC
N8937AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 1500 V, 30 A, 15000 W, 208 VAC
N8944AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 750 V, 20 A, 5000 W, 400 VAC
N8945AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 80 V, 340 A, 10000 W, 400 VAC
N8946AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 200 V, 140 A, 10000 W, 400 VAC
N8948AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 500 V, 60 A, 10000 W, 400 VAC
N8950AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 1000 V, 30 A, 10000 W, 400 VAC
N8952AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 200 V, 210 A, 15000 W, 400 VAC
N8954AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 500 V, 90 A, 15000 W, 400 VAC
N8955AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 750 V, 60 A, 15000 W, 400 VAC
N8957AAutoranging System DC Power Supply, 1500 V, 30 A, 15000 W, 400 VAC
N8958ARack mount kit for N8900 Autoranging System DC Power Supplies
87104CSwitch, SP4T, DC-26.5 GHz, terminated
87104DSwitch, SP4T, DC-40 GHz, Terminated
87415ARemote System Amplifier, 2-8 GHz, DC 12V, 900mA
87421APower supply, +/-12V DC, 25W max, 2 m cable included [add Keysight Care]
87405BPreamplifier, 0.01-4 GHz, 22dB Gain, Type-N (m) Output to Type-N (f) [add Keysight Care]
87406BSwitch, matrix, coax, DC-20 GHz, terminated, 24V DC
87222ESwitch, transfer, DC-50 GHz, 4-port, 24 VDC
AC6801BBasic AC Power Source, 500 VA, 310 V, 2.5 A
AC6802BBasic AC Power Source, 1000 VA, 310 V, 5 A
AC6803BBasic AC Power Source, 2000 VA, 310 V, 10 A
AC6804BBasic AC Power Source, 4000 VA, 310 V, 20 A
N6705CDC Power Analyzer Mainframe
N6710CN6700C Custom-configured Modular Power System 400 W, GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N6711CN6701C Custom-configured Modular Power System 600 W, GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI
N6715CN6705C Build-to-order DC Power Analyzer System
N6731BDC Power Module 5V,  10A,  50W
N6732BDC Power Module 8V,  6.25A,  50W
N6732B-ATODC Power Module 8V, 6.25A, 50W
N6733BDC Power Module 20V,  2.5A,  50W
N6733B-ATODC Power Module 20V, 2.5A, 50W
N6734BDC Power Module 35V,  1.5A,  50W
N6735BDC Power Module 60V,  .8A,  50W
N6736BDC Power Module 100V,  .5A,  50W
N6741BDC Power Module 5V,20A,100W
N6742BDC Power Module 8V,12.5A,100W
N6742B-ATODC Power Module 8V,12.5A,100W
N6743BDC Power Module 20V,5A,100W
N6744BDC Power Module 35V,3A,100W
N6745BDC Power Module 60V,1.6A,100W
N6746BDC Power Module 100V,1A,100W
N6751AHigh-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module 50V, 5A, 50W
N6752AHigh-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module 50V, 10A, 100W
N6753ADC Power Module 20V, 50A, 300W, double-wide
N6754ADC Power Module 60V, 20A, 300W, double-wide
N6755AHigh-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module 20V, 50A, 500W, double-wide
N6756AHigh-Performance Autoranging DC Power Module 60V, 17A, 500W, double-wide
N6761APrecision DC Power Module 50V, 1.5A, 50W
N6762APrecision DC Power Module 50V, 3A, 100W
N6763APrecision DC Power Module 20V, 50A, 300W, double-wide
N6764APrecision DC Power Module 60V, 20A, 300W, double-wide
N6765APrecision DC Power Module 20V, 50A, 500W, double-wide
N6766APrecision DC Power Module 60V, 17A, 500W, double-wide
N6773ADC Power Module 20V, 15A, 300W
N6773A-ATODC Power Module 20V, 15A, 300W
N6774ADC Power Module 35V, 8.5A, 300W
N6774A-760Output Disconnect and Polarity Reversal Relays
N6775ADC Power Module 60V, 5A, 300W
N6776ADC Power Module 100V, 3A, 300W
N6777ADC Power Module 150V, 2A, 300W
N6781ASource/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, 2-Quadrant, 20V/1A or 6V/3A, 20W
N6781A-ATOSource/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, 2-Quadrant, 20V/1A or 6V/3A, 20W
N6782ASource/Measure Unit for Functional Test, 2-Quadrant, 20V/1A or 6V/3A, 20W
N6783ADC Power Module, 2-Quadrant
N6783A-BATBattery Charge/Discharge Module, 0 to 8V / -2 to 3A, 24W
N6784ASource/Measure Unit, General Purpose, 4-Quadrant, 20V/1A or 6V/3A, 20W
N6784A-ATOSource/Measure Unit, General Purpose, 4-Quadrant, 20V/1A or 6V/3A, 20W
N6785ASource/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, multiple ranges, 80 W, dbl-wide
N6786ASource/Measure Unit for Functional Test, multiple ranges, 80 W, double-wide
N6791A100 W module, single-wide
N6792A200 W module, double-wide
N6951AAdvanced Power System - DC Power Supply, 20 V, 50 A, 1000 W
PZ2100APrecision Source/Measure Unit Mainframe, 4 slots, 1U
PZ2121APrecision Source/Measure Unit, 15 MSa/s, 100 fA, 60 V, 3.5 A DC/10.5 A pulse
PX0103A-002Triaxial to SMB Cable, 3m, VOLT:DC 210V
B2901BPrecision Source/Measure Unit, 1ch, 100fA resolution, 210V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2901BLPrecision Source/Measure Unit, 1ch, 1pA resolution, 21V, 1.5A
B2902BPrecision Source/Measure Unit, 2ch, 100fA resolution, 210V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2910BLPrecision Source/Measure Unit, 1ch, 10fA resolution, 210V, 1.5A
B2911BPrecision Source/Measure Unit, 1ch, 10fA resolution, 210V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2912BPrecision Source/Measure Unit, 2ch, 10fA resolution, 210V, 3A DC/10.5A pulse
B2961B6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source, 32W, 210V, 3A, 1ch
B2962B6.5 Digit Low Noise Power Source, 32W, 210V, 3A, 2ch
B2983BFemto/Picoammeter, 0.01fA, Battery
B2985BElectrometer/High Resistance Meter, 0.01fA, 1000V
N1021BDifferential TDR Probe Kit
N1254A-104Adapter - Triax (f) Guard connected to BNC (m) Common, VOLT:DC 210V
N1254A-510Dolphin Clip 2 ea. (red and black)
N1254A-511Cable Lug Adapter 2 ea. (red and black)
N1294A-0111.5m, Interlock cable for 16442A/B test fixture (GPIO Dsub25 to 6pin mini plug)
N1294A-031GPIO - BNC Trigger Adapter
N1295ADevice/Component Test Fixture with 4 Triax Connectors, VOLT:DC 42V
N1297ABanana - Triax Adapter for 2-wire (non Kelvin) connection
N1297BBanana - Triax Adapter for 4-wire (Kelvin) connection, VOLT:DC 250V
N1410AStarter kit for B2985/B2987
N1412ATriaxial cable, 500 V, 1.5 m
N1413AHigh resistance meter fixture adapter
N1414AHigh resistance measurement universal adapter
N1415ATriax to alligator cable, 200 V, 1.5 m
N1416ATriax bulkhead connector, 200 V
N1422AHigh value resistor box for N1299A-301 evaluation kit
N1425ALow Noise Test Leads for N1413 with B2980 series, 1.5m, VOLT:DC 1kV
N1427ALow Noise Test Cables for N1413 with B2980 series, 1.5m
N1428AComponent Test Fixture for N1413 with B2980 Series
N1424CResistivity Cell for N1413 with B2980 Series (26/50/76 mm Diameter Electrodes)
N1426CAlligator Clips for N1425
N1500A-001Transmission line and free space method
N1500A-004Coaxial Probe Method
N1500A-005Parallel Plate/Inductance Method Up to 1 GHz
N1500A-006Parallel Plate/Inductance Method Up to 120 MHz
N1500A-UL8Hardware Key for USB Port
U2021XAUSB Wideband Power Sensor (50MHz - 18GHz)
U2061XAUSB Peak and Average Power Sensor 10MHz - 6GHz
L2064XALAN Wide Dynamic Range Peak and Average Power Sensor 10MHz - 40GHz
L2062XALAN wide dynamic range peak and average power sensor, 10 MHz - 18 GHz
N1911APower Meter - P-series, single channel
N1912APower Meters - P-series, dual channel
N1912A-908Rackmount kit - 1 instrument
N1913APower Meter - Average, single channel
N1914APower Meter - Average, dual channel
N1914A-908Rackmount kit - 1 unit with blank filler included
N1917AP-Series meter cable adapter (1.5m/5ft)
N1921AWideband Power Sensor - P-series, 50MHz-18GHz
N1922AP-series Power Sensors., -35dBm to +20dBm, 50MHz - 40GHz
U2031APower Sensor cable; 5-ft (1.5m)
E4412ACW Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, -70 to +20 dBm
E4413ACW Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz, -70 to +20 dBm
E4416APower Meter - EPM-P series, single channel
E4417APower Meter - EPM-P series, dual channel
E9300APower Sensor-Average, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, -60 to +20 dBm
E9301APower Sensor-Average, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, -60 to +20 dBm
E9301BPower Sensor-Average, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, -30 to +44 dBm
E9300BPower Sensor-Average, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, -30 to +44 dBm
E9301HPower Sensor-Average, 10 MHz to 6 GHz, -50 to +30 dBm
E9304APower Sensor-Average, 9 kHz to 6 GHz, -60 to +20 dBm
E9321APeak and average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 300 kHz bandwidth
E9326APeak and average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 18 GHz, 1.5 MHz bandwidth
E9327APeak and average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 18 GHz, 5 MHz bandwidth
E9323APeak and average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, 5 MHz bandwidth
8472B18 GHz LBHCD crystal detector
8481DPower Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, -70 to -20 dBm
8487DPower Sensor, 50 MHz to 50 GHz, -70 to -20 dBm
11730ASensor cable 1.5m/5ft  (11730A), Volt: 30 VRMS
11730BSensor cable 3m/10ft (11730B), Volt: 30 VRMS
11730CSensor cable 6.1m/20ft (11730C), Volt: 30 VRMS
11730ESensor cable 30.5m/100ft (11730E), Volt: 30 VRMS
U2701AOscilloscope, USB modular-U2701A,100MHZ
U2702AOscilloscope, USB modular-U2702A,200MHz
U2741ADigital Multimeter, USB modular-U2741A, (5.5 digit)
U2751ASwitch Matrix, USB modular-U2751A
U2761AFunction/arbitrary waveform generator, USB modular-U2761A, 20MHz
U2722AUSB modular source measure unit, 3-channels, +/-20V, +/-120mA
U2723AUSB modular source measure unit with embedded test scripts
U2781AUSB card cage
U2922ATerminal block, 32-channel
U2941AParametric test fixture, 3-channels
8473DCoax Detector
8490DCoaxial fixed attenuator, dc-50 GHz
8491ACoaxial attenuator, dc-12.4 GHz, Type-N
8491A-04040 dB attenuator
8491BCoaxial attenuator, dc - 18 GHz, Type-N
8493ACoaxial attenuator, dc to 12.4 GHz, SMA
8493BCoaxial attenuator, dc to 18 GHz, SMA
8493CCoaxial fixed attenuator, dc to 26.5 GHz
8494AManual step attenuator, 0 to 11 dB in 1 dB steps, dc to 4 GHz
8494B0-11 dB manual step attenuator, 0-18 GHz
8494GProgrammable step ATTENUATOR., dc-4GHz, 0-11dB,DC 5V, 24V
8494HProgrammable step attenuator, 0-18GHz, 0-11dB, DC 5V, 24V
8496A0-110 dB manual step attenuator, 0-4 GHz
8496B0-110 dB manual step attenuator, 0-18GHz
8496GProgrammable step attenuator, dc-4GHz, 0-110dB,DC 5V, 24V
8496HProgrammable step ATTENUATOR, 0-18GHz, 0-110dB, DC 5V, 24V
8495A0-70 dB manual step attenuator, dc-4 GHz
8495B0-70 dB manual step attenuator, 0-18 GHz
8495D0-70dB manual step attenuator, 0-26.5GHz
84904LAttn 11dB, 1dB Steps, 40GHz Programmable
84906LAttn,90dB,10dB Steps,40GHz, Programmable
83006AAmplifier, 0.01-26.5 GHz, 20 dB gain [add Keysight Care]
J7201AAttenuation Control Unit, DC to 6 GHz, 0 to 121 dB, 1 dB step
J7201BAttenuation Control Unit, DC to 18 GHz, 0 to 121 dB, 1 dB steps
N3300ADC Electronic Load Mainframe, 1800 W max, 6 slots
N3301ADC Electronic Load Mainframe, 600 W max, 2 slots
N3302ADC Electronic Load Module, 0-60V, 30A,150 W, for N330X mainframes, 1 slot
N3303ADC Electronic Load Module, 0-240V, 10A, 250 W, for N330X mainframes, 1 slot
N3304ADC Electronic Load Module, 0-60V, 60A, 300 W, for N330X mainframes, 1 slot
N3305ADC Electronic Load Module, 0-150V, 60A, 500 W, for N330X mainframes, 2 slots
N3306ADC Electronic Load Module, 0-60V, 120A, 600 W, for N330X mainframes, 2 slots
N3307ADC Electronic Load Module, 0-150V, 30A, 250W, for N330X mainframes, 1 slot
N6314ACable, Type-N(male) to Type-N(male), 50 ohm, 24 inches
N6315ACable, Type-N(male) to Type-N(female), 50 ohm, 24 inches
N8481APower Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 10MHz to 18GHz
N8481HPower Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 10MHz to 18GHz
N8482APower Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 100KHz to 6.0GHz
N8487APower Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 50MHz to 50GHz
N8488AAverage Thermocouple Power Sensor; 10MHz to 67GHz
N4000A10 MHz to 18 GHz SNS Noise Source nominal ENR 6dB (MAIN) [add Keysight Care]
N4001A10 MHz to 18 GHz SNS Noise Source nominal ENR 15dB (MAIN) [add Keysight Care]
N4002A10 MHz to 26.5 GHz SNS Noise Source nominal ENR 15dB (MAIN) [add Keysight Care]
N4431DECal module 13.5 GHz 4-port
N4433DECal module 26.5 GHz 4-port 3.5 mm
11667ADC-18 GHz power splitter, Type-N, 50 ohm
11667CDC - 50 GHz power splitter, 50 ohm
11667DPower Splitter, DC to 67 GHz
11716AType-N interconnection kit
11716CSMA Interconnect Kit
11716DInterconnect Kit, 2.92mm
11713DAttenuator Switch Driver
11852BMinimum loss pad
11852B-H12Tested for operation to 12GHz
11852B-00450 ohm male to 75 ohm female
85024AHigh frequency probe, 300 kHz to 3 GHz [add Keysight Care]
85031BEconomy mechanical calibration kit, DC to 6 GHz, 7 mm
85032EEconomy mechanical calibration kit, DC to 6 GHz, type-N, 50 ohm
85032FStandard mechanical calibration kit, DC to 9 GHz, type-N, 50 ohm
85033EStandard mechanical calibration kit, DC to 9 GHz, 3.5 mm
85038AStandard mechanical calibration kit, DC to 7.5 GHz, 7-16
85038FStandard mechanical calibration kit, DC to 7.5 GHz, 7-16 (female only)
85039BCalibration kit, type-F
85051BVerification kit, 7 mm
85050DEconomy mechanical calibration kit, DC to 18 GHz, 7 mm
85052DEconomy mechanical calibration kit, DC to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm
85054DEconomy mechanical calibration kit, DC to 18 GHz, type-N
85056DEconomy mechanical calibration kit, DC to 50 GHz, 2.4 mm
85058BStandard mechanical calibration kit, DC to 67 GHz, 1.85 mm
85514ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 9 GHz, Type-N(m), 50 ohm
85515ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 9 GHz, Type-N(f), 50 ohm
85518ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 18 GHz, Type-N(m), 50 ohm
85519ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 18 GHz, Type-N(f), 50 ohm
85520ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, OSLT, DC to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm(m)
85521ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, OSLT, DC to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm(f)
85561ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 40 GHz, 2.92 mm(f), 50 ohm
85562ACalibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 40 GHz, 2.92 mm(m), 50 ohm